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News & Events

Examples of our work, current news, events and information about SolidarMed.


Webinar: Cholera in Mosambik (Englisch)

In the webinar on Thursday, 6 June (1 pm), you will learn how cholera outbreaks can be prevented, what these outbreaks have to do with climate change and how SolidarMed is sensitizing the population with trained local volunteers.

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A major impact on young lives

People with severe non-communicable diseases need early diagnosis and then systematic treatment. This is key, particularly for children like Tawonashe.

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New maternity care and staff house for Chirezdana

In rural Chirezdana, in south-eastern Zimbabwe, the infrastructure project of the local health center can be expanded this year thanks to the support of the Liechtensteiner Fastenopfer. The new building will enable more births to take place under medical care.

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Room for improvement in sexual health counselling

A study that SolidarMed conducted in the Ulanga district shows that adolescents still face barriers when they seek information about sexual and reproductive health.

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Can you change a thousand lives?

Catherine Nachalwe from Zambia is from a poor background. Thanks to the charity Our Moon Education and an internship at SolidarMed, she now has a bright future ahead of her. In September, the 19-year-old embarked on a university programme in the United States and she hopes to help shape her country’s future.

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