Nino Schurter is probably one of the most successful athletes in Switzerland. Despite or perhaps because of this, the sports talent is committed to being an ambassador for SolidarMed. With his engagement, he uses his fame to give disadvantaged people a voice. To get an impression of what SolidarMed is achieving in the project countries, Schurter has already visited projects in Zambia and Mozambique. His curiosity and fascination for the African continent brought him to Lesotho in November 2022.
I think the work of SolidarMed is urgent.
Nino Schurter, SolidarMed Goodwill Ambassador
On the road in mountainous Mokhotlong
With a robust all-terrain vehicle, SolidarMed brings medical care to the areas in the highlands of Lesotho where there are no roads and the way to the nearest health centre (especially for elderly and sick people and pregnant women) is hardly reachable. A unique initiative that was launched in 2020 and is making a huge difference to the medically underserved population of Butha-Buthe and Mokhotlong. "The mobile clinic and Nino Schurter have something in common: both are used to mountainous roads", comments Pierina Maibach, Communications Manager of SolidarMed, "this brought us to the idea of combining his athletic activity with his social engagement". Nino Schurter responded directly and positively to this suggestion. He is fascinated by Africa and is looking forward to discovering the country which is also affectionately called the "kingdom in the sky" due to its high location - by mountain bike.
Nino Schurter tells us about his journey (Swiss Media)
In der Postcast-Folge der Versicherung ÖKK "Allegra" erzählen Nino Schurter und Pierina Maibach, was Sie bei Ihrem Projektbesuch erlebt haben. Zum Beitrag
Nino war am 24.11.2022 in der Sendung "Geschichten und Gesichten" (SRF) zu Gast und hat von seiner Reise mit SolidarMed berichtet. Zum Beitrag
Am 13.01.2023 ist ein Artikel in der Printausgabe des Magazins Schweizer Illustrierten über den Besuch in Lesotho von Nino Schurter erschienen. Online kann man ihn hier nachlesen. Zum Beitrag