SolidarMed maintains strong partnerships with the public sector, with national and international organisations, with foundations and with our donors. We would like to thank them all for their commitment.
SolidarMed works locally with hospitals, state authorities, private health service providers, dioceses and various local NGOs, associations and local communities.
Many thanks
Health requires teamwork. Thank you for being part of the team. By donating, you are working alongside the medical professionals on the ground and all SolidarMed staff members to make a difference. We list institutions with support of over CHF 1,000. But our thanks nonetheless go out to everyone we could not mention or who did not wish to be named. Because every donation makes a difference.
Public sector
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperations SDC; Liechtenstein Development Service LED; cantons of Aargau, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Basel-Stadt, Glarus, Graubünden, Obwalden, Schaffhausen, Thurgau, Zurich; municipalities of Frauenfeld, Lucerne; Opfikon, St. Gallen, Zurich; communes of Baar; Bettingen, Bottmingen, Küsnacht ZH, Maur, Oberägeri, Schaan, Vaduz, Wallisellen
Charitable foundations
Christa Foundation; Crain-Zivy-Stiftung; Däster-Schild Foundation; David Bruderer Foundation; Dr. Ernst-Günther Bröder Foundation; Erna Mündle Stiftung; Fagus lucida-Stiftung; Fight 4 Sight Foundation; Fondation Yoni; Gemeinnützige Stiftung Gambit; Hilti Foundation; J & K Wonderland Foundation; Maiores Stiftung; Margrit Werzinger-Stiftung; Mary’s Mercy Foundation; Medicor Foundation; Mondisan Stiftung; Pronoia Foundation; Rheinkind Foundation; Rowdeldy Foundation; Accentus Charitable Foundation; Stiftung Aldava; Binelli & Ehrsam Foundation Zurich; Stiftung Fürstl. Kommerzienrat Guido Feger; Stiftung Mutter Bernarda Menzingen; Stiftung Sanitas Davos; Stiftung Sonnenschein, Schwyz; Von Duhn Foundation; Wir teilen: Fastenopfer Liechtenstein
Companies and associations
Beco Immobilien AG; Carglass Schweiz AG; Dorf-Drogerie Hafen; ERMED AG; Frauennetzwerk Meggen; Frauenverein Brockenstube Vaduz; Frickbau AG; Gemeinnütziger Frauenverein Rapperswil-Jona; MS Direct Group; Neue Bank AG; nspm ag; Oryx International Services GmbH; PRS Capital Solutions AG; Rheumapraxis Sursee; Schuhmarkt am Hirschenplatz; Schwärzler Rechtsanwälte; Systec Schweiz GmbH; Verein Solidar Elgg/ Gemeinde Elgg; VP Bank; Weltgruppe Möhlin; Zweifel Holding AG
Catholic parishes
Kanton Basel-Stadt; Kanton St. Gallen; Kanton Thurgau; Bern und Umgebung; Burgdorf; Escholzmatt; Freienbach; Horgen; Kriens; Küsnacht ZH; Lucerne; Opfikon-Glattbrugg; Schlieren; Seeland-Lyss; Sempach; Steinhausen; Thalwil-Rüschlikon; Winterthur; Zug; Zurich; St. Anna, Frauenfeld; St. Josef, Köniz; Luzerner Seepfarreien, Weggis; St. Anton, Zurich; St. Martin, Zurich; Heilig Geist Zurich-Höngg; Swiss Capuchin Order, Lucerne
Protestant parishes
Belp; Hilterfingen; Lauterbrunnen; Rapperswil-Jona; Reinach BL; Schwarzenegg; ref. Kirche Kanton Zug
International donors
Bracelet of Hope; Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung; Polarlysstiftung; ViiV Healthcare Positive Action Programme; World Diabetes Foundation; Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (CFLI); Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Grand Challenges Canada
SolidarMed maintains intensive technical cooperation with partner organisations in Switzerland and on the ground in the countries in which it operates.