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News & Events

Examples of our work, current news, events and information about SolidarMed.


Emergency aid for refugees fleeing terror: one year on

For about a year, SolidarMed has been supporting people in the province of Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique who have fled the violence of terrorist groups. In this way, SolidarMed contributes to better health of the refugees.

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Gaining a perspective thanks to vocational training

In Hyderabad, India, young people affected by poverty and HIV can complete vocational training courses thanks to SolidarMed. This way, they become financially independent, can support their families and escape the stigma of poverty and HIV/Aids.

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Improving HIV treatment in rural Lesotho

SolidarMed and Swiss TPH, together with the Seboche Mission Hospital in rural Lesotho, introduced a new testing procedure in 2021. It enables to improve healthcare for people affected by HIV in rural areas. The SolidarMed-supported laboratory is the first to date to use such tests in HIV treatment in rural Lesotho.

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Digital healthcare in Africa

Mobile communications in Africa are growing rapidly. Even in the most remote areas, there are cell towers providing people with mobile Internet. Digitization in the healthcare sector is also developing at a similar pace. Under the term eHealth, smartphones, cell phones and tablets are revolutionizing medical care.

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"We need to get to the root causes."

Josephine Among Muhairwe (43), a native Ugandan and trained medical doctor, had been the country director in Lesotho since the beginning of 2016. Before she left SolidarMed at the end of October, Pierina Maibach took the opportunity to talk to her about the work in Lesotho.

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