Donate in memory

Instead of wreaths and flowers, make a donation in memory of someone special.

A donation to SolidarMed in the memory of someone special means better health for people in southern Africa. In times of mourning, you send a message of hope.

For family members

For donations in memoriam, you could mention SolidarMed in the obituary. Add our account number to the announcement (IBAN CH09 0900 0000 6000 1433 9).

Possible wording: "In place of flowers, please make a donation to SolidarMed, 6005 Lucerne (IBAN CH09 0900 0000 6000 1433 9), stating the first name and surname of the deceased."

Please let us know the first name and surname of the deceased via telephone or email, and give us your contact details. After a few weeks, we can inform you about donations received in memoriam.

Contact us via email

Lucy Kormann

Do you have any questions? Lucy Kormann will be happy to help you.

Donating in memoriam

If you are donating in memory of someone special, please note the name of the deceased on the payment slip. This allows us to inform the grieving family about donations received in memory of their loved one.

Bank account details: PostBank Account: 60-1433-9 / IBAN CH09 0900 0000 6000 1433 9 with a note of the name of the deceased.

Condolence cards

We would be glad to send you a free set of SolidarMed condolence cards ("With deepest sympathy") to present to the grieving family. You can order condolence cards via email. We will include a payment transfer slip for your donation.

Order condolence cards